Discover Affordable Membership Plans & Treatments for Holistic Health Services in Oro Valley, AZ

At Wild Wellness Integrative Medicine, we believe in offering our patients the highest quality of care through our holistic and naturopathic medicine services. Whether you're looking for pay-as-you-go pricing or the benefits of membership, we have a plan that fits your needs. From Prolotherapy to Nutrient IVs and hormone replacement therapy, we offer a range of treatments to help you achieve optimal health. Don't wait any longer to start your journey towards wellness. Call us today at (520) 600-0211 to schedule your appointment and learn more about our membership plans.

Pay-As-You-Go Pricing & Services

Naturopathic Visit Without Membership

  • 60-min visit without membership - new patient: $200.00
  • 30-minute visit without membership - existing patients only: $100.00

Medical Services

Extra monthly visit for members only (family members included) 

  • $70.00 Adult
  • $35.00 Child 

Acute Care

  • Plan members - first $25, then $75.00 ea.
  • Non-members not available


  • Plan members - $25-$50
  • Non-members not available

Pain Relief & Regenerative Therapies

  • Dry needling (acupuncture)/Shiatsu (acupressure)
  • Membership cost included in visit charge
  • Non-members $200.00 first visit $75.00 thereafter

Trigger Point Injections

  • Plan members $30.00 1st muscle. $10.00 ea. ad. muscle
  • Non-members $50.00 1st muscle. $10.00 ea. ad. muscle


  • Plan members $250.00 per site | $575.00 per 3+ sites
  • Non-members $325.00 per site

Wound Healing/Scar Remodeling

  • Neural therapy plan members pay $200.00 per scar
  • Non-members $250.00 per scar

Cold Laser

  • Plan members $25 per 15-minute session

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • Plan members $150 + cost of product/pellet
  • Non-members not available

Nutrient IV's Starting at $100

See our Naturopathic Primary Care page for more information.

Heat, Light and U/S Therapy

  • Members $25.00 or $50.00 – 15 min – 30 min.
  • Non-members (standard visit charge + $25.00)

Natural Biologics (Cellular Healing)

  • Plan members call for pricing, which begins at $1500.00
  • Non-member call for pricing

Hair Restoration/Facials With Specialty Biologics (Amniotic Fluid)

  • Plan members $750.00
  • Non-members $1250.00

Nutritional Support & Weight Optimization Therapies

Extremely Wild Weight Loss Plan

(1 Semaglutide injection per week for 1 Month)


  • Plan members $175.00 Monthly
  • Non-members $350.00 Monthly

Wild Weight Loss Plan

(2 MIC/B12 Injections per week for 1 Month)


  • Plan members $75.00 Monthly
  • Non-members $175.00 Monthly

B12 shots

  • Plan members $45.00
  • Non-members $50.00

IV Therapy

  • IV push - $100.00
  • IV drip - starts at $200.00

Common Conditions Treated 

Wild Wellness Integrative Medicine offers a broad range of natural remedies and therapies to treat many health conditions – whether chronic, acute, or mild. Dr. Reilly is consistently rated one of the best family medicine providers in the greater Tucson area and can effectively manage all aspects of health care for your entire family, regardless of age. Naturopathic doctors are experts in prevention and in helping patients with existing ailments such as:

  • Colds and flu
  • Headaches
  • Injuries
  • Sleep disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Digestive disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Cancer
  • Mild anxiety or depression
  • Weight issues
  • Skin conditions requiring minor surgical procedures

Nutrient IV’s 

As part of your care plan, it may be suggested you consider IV therapy. 

Intravenous therapy is a procedure that uses an intravenous drip to infuse essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the body. This allows higher levels of nutrients to be introduced into the body than is possible via oral vitamins or supplements. It can be used to treat acute conditions such as colds, flu, dehydration, or shingles or to help with fatigue and overall immune support. Here are the types of IV therapies we can help with: 

Wild Thing IV Drip

Replenish the body for noticeably healthier skin, hair, and nails: $300

Blissed Out IV Drip

Helps relieve nausea and reduce pain after chemo or radiation: $215

Wild West Cleanse IV Drip

Improves blood flow by clearing metals from the bloodstream: $215

Cardio Wellness IV Drip

Taurine and Carnitine to aid heart health: $215

Wild Awake IV Drip

Reduces headaches and feelings of fatigue or tiredness: $205

Wild Meyer's Cocktail IV Drip

Boosts immune response and speeds up recovery from illness such as cold: $200

Glutathione (Push)

Empower's cells, slows down aging and produces a brighter, healthier skin glow: $100


What is Prolotherapy?

First, it is important to understand what the word prolotherapy itself means. "Prolo" is short for proliferation because the treatment causes the proliferation (growth formation) of new ligament tissue in areas where it has become weak.

Prolotherapy uses a dextrose (sugar water) solution, which is injected into the ligament or tendon where it is attached to the bone. This causes a localized inflammation in these weak areas, which then increases the blood supply and flow of nutrients and stimulates the tissue to repair itself.

Conditions & Symptoms That May Be Improved 

  • Arthritis in any joint in the body.
  • Any popping, grinding, clicking, or snapping in a joint (all these are signs of joint loosening and instability).
  • Manipulation frequently makes big improvements quickly. If prolonged manipulation is necessary, this is an indication of joint instability, and injection reconstructive therapy may be helpful.
  • Any musculoskeletal problem that has failed with surgery and other methods.
  • Any Condition that is helped by a brace, splint, crutch, walker, lift, or wheelchair. People who need these aids frequently have weakened or lax joints.
  • Deep aching is alleviated by constantly changing positions.
  • Symptoms of decreased strength and endurance.
  • Increased pain with increased activity (swimming, biking, and walking may be exceptions).
  • Various conditions, such as osteoporosis with compression fractures, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal defects such as scoliosis and slipped spine.

Sports Injuries?

Prolotherapy can help the injured athlete with chronic injuries, such as sprain/strain, tendinopathy, and tendinitis. Chronic knee and ankle injuries, such as those found in football and basketball players, respond well to prolotherapy and prolozone. Rock climber shoulder injuries and tennis elbow are also ideal candidates for prolotherapy.

What Are the Symptoms of TMJ Syndrome?

Symptoms can include pain when opening and closing the mouth, pain in the jaw area that spreads to the face or neck and shoulders, headaches, earaches or ringing in the ears, inability to open the mouth completely, and "clicking" or "popping" sounds when chewing. Because these symptoms are common to other disorders, the problem is often misdiagnosed.

Prolotherapy in TMJ is Very Simple.

One to two cc's of a mixture of 5-25 percent dextrose is injected into and around the temporomandibular joint(s). The patient is placed on a soft diet until the mouth is able to fully open. The TMJ Prolotherapy injections cause an awkward bite and a tight jaw for a couple of days. The patient should not force the mouth open during this time period.

How Long Will It Take to Complete a Course of Treatments?

The response to treatment varies from individual to individual and depends upon one's healing ability. Some people may only need a few treatments, while others may need ten or more. The average number of treatments is 4-6 for an area treated. The best thing to do is get an evaluation by a trained physician to see if you are an appropriate candidate. Once you begin treatment, your doctor can tell you better how you are responding and give you an accurate estimate.

Prolotherapy & Prolozone: 2016 – Scientific Evidence

Here are some recent examples of scientific support for prolotherapy: (click on the title to download .pdf)

For more information about prolotherapy, visit the American Academy of Orthopaedic Medicine at:

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

For Women

Bioidentical vs. Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormones have the exact same chemical structure as those produced by the body, making them easily absorbed and put into action. Bioidentical hormones act exactly like a woman's own hormones because they are exactly like a woman's hormones.

Non-bioidentical hormones, often called synthetic, are made of substances that are foreign to a woman's body. Synthetic hormones are not exactly like a woman's hormones — so it is not surprising that there are many unwanted effects from synthetic hormones, which are not experienced by women using bioidentical hormones.

A large body of evidence shows that Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is safer and more effective than synthetic hormone replacement. At Wild Wellness Integrative Medicine, we regularly measure and monitor hormone levels along with patient symptoms to ensure optimum results.

Estrogen Therapy 

Estrogen is a woman's most important hormone. Estrogen is a woman's energy and builder. It improves bone mass, and within the brain, estrogen acts as a natural antidepressant and mood stabilizer. Estrogen can be administered as a pellet, a patch, a vaginal ring, a cream, or a spray. Your Agenixs team will help you determine what works best for you.

Progesterone Therapy

Progesterone plays a major role in the body and has many vital functions in women of all ages. Bioidentical progesterone therapy helps balance estrogen, regulates blood sugar and thyroid hormone production, builds bones, converts fat into energy, and has a calming emotional effect. Progesterone is also a natural antidepressant, helps to initiate sleep, and is a natural diuretic. It can be administered by cream or a pill and may be combined with estrogen and/or testosterone to help achieve overall balance.

Testosterone for Women

Testosterone is not just important for men — it's vital for women to live a healthy and fulfilled life. Testosterone gives a woman mental clarity, lean muscle tone, a better ability to manage stress, and a heightened libido. Pellets deliver the most gentle, consistent doses of hormones with few side effects. Testosterone can also be given as a pill based on a woman's needs and preferences.

For Men

Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Our team’s Testosterone is 100% bioidentical. Unlike synthetic testosterone, bioidentical testosterone is nearly chemically identical to what your body naturally produces, making it the safest, most natural choice for your hormone replacement therapy. 

As men age, their testosterone levels decrease, causing many of the symptoms of aging. This can be prevented and even reversed with Bioidentical Testosterone Therapy. While online and traditional BTRT clinics can cost upwards of $500 for the initial consult, we offer the same care and bioidentical treatment at a price most can afford. Don't accept the adverse symptoms of aging any longer.

What Results Can I Expect From BTRT?

Because testosterone is a controlled substance that must be carefully monitored, it is required to consult with a medical provider before testosterone can be prescribed. Most men begin to see the benefits in as little as two weeks, but optimal TRT results can take several months. To see the best possible results from your testosterone replacement treatment, thyroid medication will usually also be prescribed.

To learn more, please contact our team at (520) 600-0211 to see how we can help!

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